PASS Notes

My session [] yesterday was packed so I'm doing it again today.  Apparently quite a few people were turned away when they moved it to a smaller room.  It's in the…

Easy Multi-Threaded Client

Here's a great little tool that helps you write a simple multi-threaded app [].  It gives you an easy way to move certain tasks to a background thread.  Neat idea!  Now I can move much of the database stuff to a background…

Musing from the MVP Summit

The MVP Summit has been pretty interesting so far.  Much of what has been covered is under NDA and I'm not going to be the first to break it.  But I can tell you about the Summit itself.  Microsoft has 1,300 MVP's staying in downtown…


It's not often I post rants.  I don't like to read them.  But DELL just chapped my hide!  I get to the MVP Summit in Seattle to find that my ethernet port won't connect to the hotel.  No link light.  Nigel Rivett is kind…

MVP Summit

I'll be attending the Microsft MVP Summit in Seattle next week.  Hopefully I'll be able to pass on at least some of what I hear :)  I'm also hoping to hear a schedule for Beta 2.…

A Sneak Preview of Visual C# Whidbey

MSDN has an article about some of the new features in C#/Whidbey [] .  It's a pretty neat article that talks about  the language enchancements and new features in Visual Studio.  I&…

Building with NANT

TheServerSide.NET [] has a great article up on building your solution using NANT [].  It was interesting to read since I'm working on an article on our database build process.…