April CTP (aka Beta 3) Available Today

Now that I have a blog and the SQLTeam.com homepage to post on I wonder which is more appropriate for each thing I'm posting.  Anyway.  I posted a blurb on the April CTP [http://www.sqlteam.com/item.asp?ItemID=21001] which is really the long awaited…

Speak Spoke Spoken

I've got three presentations coming up.  And one today but it's not open to the public. * On March 22nd, 2005 I'm presenting New Features of SQL Server 2005 for Developers [http://dotnetsig.org/meeting.aspx#march2005] to the Kansas City .NET User Group [http:…

Excel Import Ignores Data

I've been trying to import data from an Excel spreadsheet using DTS.  I've been having problems with sparsely populated columns.  Basically if the first eight rows are blank it ignores any other values in the following rows.  This is because the Excel driver is only examing…

SQL Server 2005 High Availability Webcasts

Tomorrow is the first part of the SQL Server 2005 High Availability Webcasts [http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/WebCastEventDetails.aspx?EventID=1032266436&Culture=en-US] on Technet is Friday.  The second part [http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/WebCastEventDetails.aspx?EventID=1032266465&Culture=en-US] is next friday.  (The Profiler webcast…

Changing font sizes

Not sure what category this should belong in. I accidently used the scroll wheel while I had the control key pressed. It turns out that resizes the font. I haven't tried it in everything yet but it works in FireFox AND Outlook. It's quick and convenient.…

Microsoft Developer Survey

We've been asked to post this by Microsoft: This is an invitation given by Microsoft to leading edge application developers to participate in a research survey that seeks feedback on improving the application development experience working with data platforms.  In the best interest of developers, the objectives of…

Speaking in KC on November 17th, 2004

I'm speaking at the AITP meeting in Kansas City on November 17th, 2004. The details are below. There's a charge associated with the meeting since they serve dinner. I don't know how much yet. The presentation will be an overview of the some of…

SQL Server 2005 Webcasts

Microsoft is doing a series of webcasts [http://msdn.microsoft.com/SQL/2005Webcasts/] starting on December 6th, 2004.  These are focusing on developer related topics.  Definitely worth a look.  And did I mention they're giving away XBOX's?…

Password Memorability

(Is Memorability really a word?)  Anil John has an interesting post on the effectiveness of remembering certain types of passwords [http://cyberforge.com/weblog/aniltj/archive/2004/10/14/689.aspx].  He also discusses the strength of each type of password.…