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I've got three presentations coming up.  And one today but it's not open to the public.

  • On March 22nd, 2005 I'm presenting New Features of SQL Server 2005 for Developers to the Kansas City .NET User Group.  This is also the presentation I'm doing today.  I spent the last few days updating it to add more CLR demos.
  • On April 14th, 2005 I'm presenting What I Wish Developers knew about SQL Server to the Kansas City SQL Server Users Group.  This is a new presentation I've been working on that I hop to present at PASS.  It's really a collection of everything I've seen done wrong in SQL Server development since I've been an independant contractor.  It won't go tremendously deep into any particular area but will cover alot of ground.
  • On July 26th, 2005 I'm presenting What I Wish Developers knew about SQL Server to the Kansas City .NET User Group.  This will be basically the same presenation as the April one.  I'll update it based on feedback from the first delivery.  There doesn't seem to be much overlap between the two groups here in Kansas City.  Hopefully this won't be a repeat for too many people.

So if you're fee in Kansas City on one of those days come on down.

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