Stupid Spammers

And in this case it's stupid in terms of not smart instead of people I don't like. Although I still don't like them. Adding the CAPTCHA test to the comment page has greatly reduced the amount of spam the blogs receive. Now these morons…

Blog Errors (Updated)

The blogs are throwing errors when you try to view an individual post.  I'm working on it and I'll have more information once I figure out what's going on.  UPDATE:  I saved the web.config file to the web site.  That apparently caused the…

Spam still sucks

This just amazes me.  I just deleted over 1,000 spam posts from the various comments.  Are these being manually entered?  Are these people that stupid?…

Anti-Spam Measures

I've finally put up a CAPTCHA test for comment posting.  This should reduce the amount of comment spam we've been getting.  All the credit goes to Davide Mauri [] for creating a detailed list of instructions for implementing this in .TEXT.  You…

Making Sense of MSDN

Last year Joel (of [] ) wrote an article that had a little blurb on the “MSDN Way []” of doing things.  That basically amounted to always using the newest, fanciest tools to solve a problem.  Why use…