Testing Triggers

I hate testing triggers.  It's a pain to figure out what's going on inside the code.  Especially when you're dealing with the inserted and deleted tables.  There are two great tricks I always forget.  The first is the SQL Debugger built into Query Analyzer.…

Code like building contractors?

I recently found an article comparing software development to the construction industry [http://www.poppendieck.com/construction.htm]. Here's the response to a software developer who said he wanted to write software like people construct buildings: > I started to explain: "In software development, we are told…


As I make changes to an application I'm reminded how ugly @@IDENTITY is.  We're using triggers to add some rudimentary data synchronization to this application.  The application inserts a record, we capture it in the trigger and go put a copy in the new table.  Except…

Come to PASS

The PASS conference [http://www.sqlpass.org/events/seattle03/index.cfm] is in Seattle from November 10-14, 2003.  I'll be there and giving a talk on Profiler.  They'll have a detailed preview of Yukon and you get a free copy of Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition.  For…