PASS Updates - July 2011

There are a two big items in flight that I want to discuss.


We recently published the ERC recommendations and new election procedures.  Unfortunately getting from the recommendations to the new plan took longer than I’d hoped.  And it was mostly me doing the taking longer part.  Plus calling what I wrote “procedures” is really a stretch. It’s really more like a rough description of what the procedures should be.  Add that to the fact that the Summit is nearly a month earlier this year and we have a scheduling problem.  We can try to rush and get it done or go slow and make sure we get all the details right.

We’re still working through the critical dates but it looks like we won’t have the election completed prior to the Summit.  Our bylaws require us to complete the election prior to the end of the calendar year – not prior to the Summit.  Years ago we used to finish the election and announce the results at the Summit.  Recently we’ve tried to complete the elections prior to the Summit.  This year it looks like we won’t be done until after the Summit.


And if you thought the elections were behind you should see our budget!  Our new fiscal year started July 1st and we don’t have an approved budget.  Fortunately that’s not the end of the world.  We can continue to pay vendors and work based on last year’s budget.  We recently emailed version 10 to the Board for review.  I believe we’ll either have or be voting on a final budget by the end of the month.  After it gets approved we’ll get it cleaned up and published.

Bill Graziano
Executive Vice-President – Finance

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